Revealing Your Inner Treasure
Pragmatic and vital,
the learning experiences with Ched Lee
develop Leadership Presence that is
felt and seen.
Our steps of transformative change
support organisations, teams and individuals
to reveal what pulsates within –
what our evolving world needs now.

Leadership Embodiment
Space has self-organising intelligence.
Space affords us Interconnectedness.
It is what we and our “adversaries” are of.
As we develop a relationship with space as our “common denominator”,
it has immense value to us as human beings and as leaders,
stakeholders in our experience of living and working with ourselves and each other.
This takes not just awareness - this takes biological time and practice.
I teach and support you to develop your senses,
to access space and interconnectedness
for greater Presence, Confidence and Compassion.

Integral Coaching
I foster your path of growth.
The inner and outer steps are yours to take –
They lead from “I” to “We”,
from split to union, from hurting to healing, and fear to joy.
The path starts where you are,
to destructure what seems so real and solid,
towards vaster truth, emergence of beauty, and creative flow.